Pipettes & Electrodes

You can choose the best and most stable microscope, platform, micromanipulators, and mechanical equipment to have your experiment ruined by thermal drift from unstable probes or electrode holders and clamps. Don't let this happen to you by investing in quality, stable probe holders and clamps. Siskiyou has solutions to prevent thermal drift in these critical components.

If you can't find what you're looking for below, contact us, and we'll be happy to help find a product that will work, or we will design a custom solution that perfectly suits your application.

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  • Theta Glass Theta Glass
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    Theta Glass

    Theta glass pipette assembly Theta glass, as supplied by Siskiyou, has not been etched or fire-polished. Various users etch to different septum thicknesses. The pre-plumbed Theta glass we supply has a tip diameter in the 150 - 200 micron diameter range...
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